Question : I am a hardscape contractor. How can I choose the right blade for my job?
Answer : The MasonMaster blade is a great general-purpose blade for most of the hardscape materials except porcelain paver tile. If you are cutting mostly concrete paver, this is the best suitable blade for you. If you would like to have only one blade for all materials, Alpha® recommends the Q-Cut blade that also cuts porcelain paver tile well.
Question : Which side of the grinder shall I install the blade and blade guard?
Answer : You can install the blade and blade guard on either side of the grinder. If you would like to avoid the splash of water coming toward you, you should install a blade on the right side of the grinder so that water splashes towards the front of grinder. If you would like to see where the blade is cutting, you can install a blade on the left side of the grinder but the water splashes towards you. When the Ecoguard W9 is used to capture all dust to avoid silica exposure, you must install blade on the right side of grinder.
Question : Can I use a diamond blade with 7/8” arbor on ECG-900?
Answer : Yes, you can, but you need to purchase a standard flange and lock-nut system. However, you cannot take advantage of the center water-feed system since the water will come out from the shower bolt towards the outside of the blade.
Question : What do I need in order to use a 7” diamond grinding cup wheel?
Answer : Most of the 7” diamond grinding cup wheels come with a 5/8”-11 threaded arbor, that you can directly screw on to the spindle. However, you need to add a safety cover whether you are grinding wet or dry so Alpha® recommends the Ecoguard G7 in conjunction with a HEPA vacuum if you grind dry. If you use the Ecoguard G7 for a wet application, you can also avoid creating mess due to the splash.
Question : How can I rotate the handle of the grinder?
Answer : On top of the rotating handle, there is a sliding lock you can pull towards the end of handle, then rotate the angle of handle.
Question : Why are there two handles included in ECG-900?
Answer : Since the ECG-900 offers a variety of applications with different consumable tools, Alpha® included sev-eral options to hold the grinder for safety and comfort. You can simply use the Anti-Vibration Side Handle attached to the gear head, or you can change the height of side handle for better cutting position. You can also use C-Handle for profiling and core drilling applications for better stability. For grinding applica-tions, you can use this grinder with or without any handle as you prefer.
Question : I plugged in the power cord to receptable or extension cord, and the ECG-900 doesn’t start as projected. Why is that?
Answer : Most likely, your GFCI has been tripped for some rea-son so that the electricity has been interrupted. You can reset the GFCI by pushing the reset button, and then be able to start the grinder.
Question : I normally cut and grind dry. What does water do for consumable tools?
Answer : Water provides a cooling capacity to the cutting edge of the diamond so that the performance of diamond tool would be enhanced dramatically, which is essen-tial when you cut porcelain paver tile or sintered slabs. Water also keeps the dust down on the floor to minimize the exposure to dangerous crystalline silica dust.